Johan Knutson

The Scanian-born Johan Knutson arrived in Finland in 1840 to participate in the making of the Finland framstäldt i teckningar illustrated book. He stayed in Finland permanently and Knutson lived in Porvoo for the most part of his life. From 1844 onwards he worked as the drawing teacher of the Borgå gymnasium.

At first Knutson settled in Helsinki, where he offered his services as a portrait painter. He is also known for him humorous genre paintings depicting folk life or caricatures of high society. In Finland idealized depictions of the people and the landscape were more popular, which Knutson adopted as part of his style. In the 1860s the artist was influenced by the Düsseldorf school of romantics, and especially the Swedish Marcus Larson, who also lived in Porvoo at the time. As a result of working with Larson Knutson painted nature landscapes such as moonlit views and seascapes. Later he focused on depictions of the archipelago and idyllic bays.

The Porvoo Museum collections include paintings, drawings and prints by Johan Knutson, as well as several works that relate to the national poet J. L. Runeberg.

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Ville Vallgren

In the 1920s the sculptor Ville Vallgren donated his works and tools to the Porvoo Museum. In total there are 230 items: works, sculptures, statuettes and objects, as well as

Helga Sonck-Majewski

The collection contains paintings of flowers and portraits, but among Sonck-Majewski’s works there are also prints, such as woodcuts with views of the Old Town in Porvoo.


Hanna Frosterus-Segerstråle

The Porvoo Museum’s collections contain paintings, drawings and sketches by Frosterus-Segerstråle, donated to the museum by the artist’s relatives in 2009.


Albert Edelfelt

The collection includes paintings, sketches and prints by the artist, as well as tools and personal items. The museum’s object collections include objects that belonged to the artist and