If You Find an Antiquity


By law objects that are over 100 years old found in the ground belong to the state. If you discover an object that you suspect could be over 100 years old, report it immediately to a museum authority and make it available for the Finnish Heritage Agency to claim. Do not dig the location of the discovery any further. Take photographs of the situation and write down the exact location of the discovery.

You can fill in the information about the discovery on the service Ilppari  www.kyppi.fi/ilppari or you can email a photograph of it to the museum with regional responsibility: riikka.mustonen@porvoonmuseo.fi  You can also call the archeologist and ask her to to come see the object.

If the Finnish Heritage Agency requests the discovery for examination or to add it to its collections based on the report, you can send the object to the Finnish Heritage Agency free of charge or bring it to the museum with regional responsibility to be delivered onwards.


You can also use the Ilppari service to report a relic or a possible relic. Before creating the report you can use the registry of relics to check whether the relic has been identified previously.

Exploring the registry of relics


Choose “Arkeologiset kohteet”

You can filter the registry by location.

You can also go directly onto the map view by pressing “Siirry kartalle” on the top of the page. Don’t forget to use the “Karttatasot” item on the menu on the left to toggle on all the layers of the registry of relics (“Arkeologinen kulttuuriperintö – Muinaisjäännösrekisteri”).